Greater Protections for Our Environment – Issue #6

Greater Protections for Our Environment

Greater Protections for Our Environment – Issue #6

Greater protections for our environment are at the forefront of Bill MacDonald’s mind. One of his early jobs was with Greenpeace in Victoria, BC, and it helped shape his attitudes about the environment. Climate change and sea-level rise are so important to him that he’s helped to form the ACERC Coalition. The Coalition wants the Annapolis Tidal Plant to become a world-class research facility – the Annapolis Climate & Ecological Research Centre (ACERC). A centre that could help protect our communities in Annapolis from sea-level rise.
Nova Scotia has long been a source of resource extraction – such as mining and forestry. Those industries have helped build our province, but often at a cost to our environment. It does not need to be that way. One of Bill’s rules of thumb is, “When we know better, we do better.” Premier Rankin put a fresh focus on climate change and the environment as a way to “Build back better”. The Biodiversity Act tabled on March 11th by Lands & Forest Minister Chuck Porter was good to see. We were all encouraged to see the support for the Act from some woodlot owners and operators.
However, Bill is now disappointed.
The sudden decision of the provincial government to amend the Biodiversity Act and alter its scope only two weeks later was a surprise to many of us. Intense lobbying was reportedly a factor – which included inaccurate interpretations of the Act and misrepresentations of its intent. Bill wasn’t present for the caucus discussions and so has no insights to share about this sudden turn of events. But he has this to say about the issue, “If I’d been present I would have spoken against these changes.”
We know that there are better ways to conduct forestry in our province – with more care for our species at risk and for the forests they call home. We know there are ways to cause less damage to our forests while increasing the value of what we do log. We can be grateful that the sound land stewardship practiced by many of our friends and neighbours in Annapolis supports our local agricultural and food production industries.
The Lahey Report represents a road map to doing forestry better. And, Bill is convinced now more than ever that the advisory committee to the minister of Lands and Forestry is right – we need a moratorium on heavy cutting on Crown land until the necessary protections are in place. In the meantime, Bill will continue to work with the ACERC Coalition to make positive progress for Annapolis.
What environmental solutions do you want your MLA to be championing for you with the Provincial government?
With your support for Bill’s nomination to be the Nova Scotia Liberal Party candidate for MLA, we can work together to protect our environment in a way that makes the most sense for us in Annapolis – while also benefiting the rest of Nova Scotia. Join Team MacDonald.